Posts tagged with "Leaders"

27. January 2018
There is a lot of noise out there. Do not get caught up in shiny object syndrome where you are following everything and everyone. Especially when you get into the entrepreneur space. Remember that opportunity is always present and yes you will miss out on some things because you just aren't in that space. All markets go up and down and if you're constantly jumping in and out of markets you will never see the benefits of sticking with one thing and mastering it. Learn to lead and not follow. M.W.
03. January 2018
Make a list of leaders in your chosen industries & areas of life and make contact with them. The internet gives us great access to those who were unreachable before. With social media, speaking directly to an important company figure is more possible than ever. You should reach out to those whom you believe can change your life. Now while this may not immediately result in a meeting, conversation, etc., persistence in this area will surely open the door to new & impactful relationships. M.W.